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The Origin of the HEPA Filter
During the 1940’s, the first HEPA filter (high efficiency particulate air) was developed as
part of a top-secret U.S. military program called the “Manhattan Project” by Arthur D. Little Co.,
a government contractor working to produce the first atomic weapon. To move forward with
the project, scientists needed a means of eliminating the minute but highly toxic radioactive
particles that were contaminating experiments and endangering personnel. The scientists
were mainly concerned with a specific particle size of 0.3 microns which was the most
penetrating & problematic. The revolutionary new HEPA filter they designed solved the problem,
& from that point on, the 0.3 micron particle size became the standard for HEPA
performance & became the basis for modern HEPA filter designs

After World War II, the technology was declassified & HEPA filters (originally called absolute
filters) quickly became an essential component in computer chip manufacturing, operating
rooms, pharmaceutical manufacturing & of course, the safety industry. Today, a certified HEPA
filter is defined by the Institute of Environmental Science as a filter that can capture 99.97%
(or more) of particles that are 0.3 microns in size.

Different countries refer to the technology by other names; in the United States we call it HEPA
filtration, in Europe, they are called S-Class filters, over in England it is referred to as the
British Standard 5415 & in Germany the filter performance standard is called DIN 2418B Ti-E EU 13,
however, all these designations refer to the same basic HEPA filtration standards.

AGM supplies hundreds of Police Departments and Fortune 500 companies with gas
, gas mask filters, and all types of survival gear from NBC protective suits to
Potassium Iodide and medical kits. Before you purchase a cheap, used mask take a
look at our new masks from MSA, Scott, SGE and more. Many popular civilian gas masks
are modeled after military units, like the MSA Advantage 1000, the Scott ProMask, and the
SGE 1000. We offer brand new military masks like the MSA Millennium and the M-95.
For complete Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical protection we have new and surplus
NBC suits, hoods, gloves, boots
and more like KI or potassium iodide tablets, sold as
Pro KI or Rad Block pills
. Order online or call AGM anytime for all your safety supplies.

Before you buy a worthless $50 surplus mask, read information and warnings here!

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