TransAire SCBA hood
When you need to bail out quickly, the TransAire 5 and TransAire 10 Escape
Respirators deliver a consistent air supply at 40 lpm (liters per minute).
This standard-flow rate makes for a smooth escape in normal aerobic escape
applications. The TransAire 10 Escape Respirator is pressurized to 3000
psig, and the TransAire 5 Escape Respirator is pressurized to 2216 psig.
The compact units employ aluminum cylinders that can withstand exposure
to temperatures from 0 to 160 degrees F. Despite their durability, the
units are extremely lightweight.
Oxygen Deficiency
Toxic Atmosphere IDLH
Toxic Atmosphere Non-IDLH Chemical
HVAC, Medical, Nuclear
TransAire 5 Kit $459.00 - Order
MSA TransAire 10 Kit $539.00 - Order
Carry or Wall-Mount Case $68.50 - Order