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TWO FREE bottles of ProKI potassium iodide on orders over $100 (a $39 value!)
(automatically added to every order that qualifies)
ProKI potassium iodide provides effective and easy protection from radiation. Order Pro KI today!
ProKi - 200ct Bottle
$19.46 Order Now
Buy 3 Get 1 FREE
4 for $58.38 Order Now
ProKI Potassium Iodide : Are You Prepared?
Potassium Iodide offers inexpensive and convenient radiation protection
Experts agree that KI should be readily available to the 40% of the population living within
350 miles of a nuclear reactor.
See a map of nuclear reactors around the country here.
The FDA has known for decades that taking potassium
iodide (KI) during a radiation emergency prevents cancer.

Potassium Iodide “Known to Cut Risk of Thyroid Cancer” -FDA
“Authorities have known for decades that taking potassium iodide before or right after exposure to radioactive fallout can prevent some ill effects, especially in young children, who are most vulnerable to thyroid cancer.” "Considering its price, it just seems like a no-brainer. We should have been doing this a long time ago."
-David Lochbaum, nuclear expert at the Union of Concerned Scientists. -Source Washington Post

The benefits of potassium iodide in the midst of a radiation disaster are clear. -Source FDA

American Thyroid Association Endorses Potassium Iodide as “Essential” for Preventing Radiation Related Cancer. “The American Thyroid Association (ATA) endorses the use of potassium iodide (KI) to protect people from absorbing radioactive iodine released during nuclear emergencies. High levels of radioactive iodine exposure can cause thyroid cancer, especially in babies and children up to 18 years of age. KI reduces the risk of thyroid cancer in exposed populations. ATA advocates KI as an essential adjunct to evacuation, sheltering, and avoiding contaminated food, milk, and water.” -American Thyroid Association

Click for Common Questions about Potassium Iodide (KI)
Links to Goverment Information and Press Articles about KI
Many countries have nuclear weapons, others are seeking them
Virtually all civilized countries stockpile potassium iodide
The US has more waste than we  know what to do with, so do many other countries!
Transporting waste can leave it most vunerable to highjacking or accidents
Nuclear Arms Race Accelerates
CIA shocked by 11 nuclear weapon tests conducted by
India & Pakistan
United States Unprepared?
Unlike France, Poland & a
host of countries, the U.S.
has not stockpiled KI
Aging Nuclear Waste Stockpile
More than 77,000 tons stored
at 131 sites across 39 states nationwide
Mobile Chernobyl
To date, more than 2700 U.S. nuclear waste shipments have travelled 1.6 million miles by
rail & interstate highways
If taken 3-4 hrs after exposure, Pro-KI potassium iodide protects against:

Do you know how far you are from the closest nuclear power plant?
Nuclear Reactor Accidents - 40% of U.S. population at risk
Government reports site nearly non-existant security at the nation's atomic power plants.
Terrorist Reactor Attacks - all U.S. reactors vulnerable
The world is full of nuclear weapons, some are unknown or unaccounted for!
Nuclear Weapons - majority of country affected
Mobile Chernobyl - Waste shipment can leave nuclear material at it's most vunerable
Nuclear Waste Accidents - transported on U.S. highways
ProKI potassium iodide provides effective and easy protection from radiation Pro Ki - 200ct Bottle
65mg tablets
Guaranteed Low Price:
$19.46 Order Now
Pro KI potassium iodide provides effective and easy protection from radiationProKI potassium iodide provides effective and easy protection from radiation
ProKI potassium iodide provides effective and easy protection from radiation Pro KI potassium iodide provides effective and easy protection from radiation
Pro Ki - 4 Bottles
200 tablets each
65mg tablets
Guaranteed Low Price:
$58.38 Order Now
( just $14.59 each!)

Common Questions and Answers:
Is Potassium Iodide safe for me and my children?

It's perfectly safe and has been used for decades by civilians and military
personnel with no ill side-effects. It can be taken by children of any age.
A complete FDA guidance information sheet is included with every order.

How much do I take and when do I take it?
Adults take 2 tablets a day only during radiation exposure. Children 3 to 18 years old
(<155lbs) should take 1 tablet per day, age 1 month to 3 years take 1/2 tablet per
day and birth through 1 month take 1/4 tablet.

What is Potassium Iodide and how does it work?
Radioactive Iodine (radioiodine) is produced in nuclear explosions and comes down in
fallout. If inhaled or ingested, it resides in the thyroid gland increasing a risk of cancer.
Potassium Iodide harmlessly saturates the thyroid, blocking absorption of radioiodine.

Is this the same as Potassium Iodate?
Potassium Iodide as found in Pro-KI is recommended over
Potassium Iodate by the World Health Organization because the
Iodate form can cause gastro intestinal irritation and discomfort.

Does ProKI have an expiration date and how old is it?
This batch of Pro-KI expires in 7/2014, although if kept under proper conditions,
Pro-KI could last significantly longer.

Rad Block radiation inhibiting tablets - potassium iodide

Rad Block Potassium Iodide Tablets
Rad Block anti-radiation pills are taken for radiation protection in the days and weeks
following exposure. Effectively blocks radiactive elements from absorption into the
human body. These elements can be very dangerous, posibly causing thyroid cancer
and other disease, making this an important
and easy addition to any preparedness kit.

Directions: Use as directed by physician. The FDA recommends taking
Potassium Iodide (KI) immediately if exposure to dangerous radiation
is possible (for example, if downwind from a nuclear reactor disaster,
nuclear explosion, radiation hazard or near a so-called dirty bomb)

2000 World Health Organization Dosage Guidelines:
Adults should take two tablets per day. Children age 3-12 take one
tablet daily, under 3 years old, 1/2 a tablet.
Best when taken with food or milk. 65mg tablets / 50mg iodine

Identical to the Pro-KI above- same dose of potassium iodide per tablet
Rad Block - 200 Tablets - Reg. $29.95
20%off Sale - AGM low price: $23.96 Order Now

We'll beat any price! In stock now and ready for shipping.

Raditect II Radiation Detector and Alarm
RADITECT is an early warning radiation alarm designed to let you know when
unnatural levels of radiation are present, much like a smoke alarm. It will run for
years unattended, as it runs on its own internal long life battery, until the alarm is
triggered by a release of radiation. The alarm will increase in frequency as the
intensity of radiation increases. It reports radiation levels as safe, moderate, or
high as well as other useful datal using an led display. The user does not need to
understand and remember the units of radioactivity or be versed in the principals
of nuclear science to use it. RADITECT is small and light enough to take with you if
you need to evacuate the area. The smart alternative to a radiation meter. More...

AGM Low Price: $245.00 - Order Now

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AGM supplies hundreds of Police Departments and Fortune 500 companies with gas
, gas mask filters, and all types of survival gear from NBC protective suits to
Potassium Iodide and medical kits. Before you purchase a cheap, used mask take a
look at our new masks from MSA, Scott, SGE and more. Many popular civilian gas masks
are modeled after military units, like the MSA Advantage 1000, the Scott ProMask, and the
SGE 1000. We offer brand new military masks like the MSA Millennium and the M-95.
For complete Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical protection we have new and surplus
NBC suits, hoods, gloves, boots
and more like KI or potassium iodide tablets, sold as
Pro KI or Rad Block pills
. Order online or call AGM anytime for all your safety supplies.