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Plastic wrap and duct tape don't work. The only real solution is our NBC SafeRoom
Tests which were made on a standard Israeli safe room/Shelter shown that it is extremely dangerous to stay a sealed room shelter after 2.5 hours period of time, as breathing only carbon dioxide will quickly cause negative effects on the human nervous system.

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Q: How do your systems work?
Q: Do your Systems offer protection from nuclear, biological and chemical war gas releases?
Q: What if I don't want to leave my system set up all the time?
Q: Am I safe from toxins without an overpressure system if I just close up the house don't go outside?
Q: Can't I use a high quality room filter or air freshener to keep safe from toxins?
Q: What if there is an electrical power failure?
Q: Can't I use a computer UPS (uninterruptible power supply),
as a battery back up in case of a power failure?
Q: Can't I configure a high quality room air freshener or filter to be an overpressure system by simply hooking up to an outside duct or vent?
Q: Would your system offer protection for HIV and AIDS patients?
Q: Is the HEPA filter used in your systems effective in capturing radioactive particulates?
Q: Can the HEPA filter in your systems be a viable means of capturing anthrax spores?
Q: What is anthrax?
Q: Why doesn't your system use ultraviolet lights?
Q: What are some of the gases and vapors that are adsorbed by your filtration units?
Q: What are some of the most probable gases that might be used in a terrorist attack?
Q: How often will the filter cells need replacing?

How do your system work?

Our systems are overpressure filtration units designed to create a safe envelop or (Toxic-Free Area) in a room, vehicle, portable shelter or other space. It does this by pumping filtered air into a room or designated toxic free area (TFA) faster than the air can escape, thus creating an overpressure condition. This overpressure condition allows no other air into the (TFA) except that which comes in through the filtration unit.


o your system offer protection from nuclear, biological and chemical war gas releases?

Yes, provided the system is properly set up and operating in place prior to the migration of the released toxins into the (TFA), and that the release occurred up stream (outside) of the protected toxic free area.


What if I don't want to leave my system set up all the time?

If you don't wish to have a permanent installation that's OK. But it's a very good idea to take the time required (about 30 minutes) to set up the air intake hose kit. Keep the filtration unit itself in storage where you can get at it quickly in case of attack. This technique of pre-partial setup will allow you complete the set up of the unit in a about a minute after retrieving it from storage.


Am I safe from toxins without an overpressure system if I just close up the house don't go outside?

For a short period of time only, the reason is that relative barometric pressure is constantly changing due to slight wind and ambient temperature fluctuations. These fluctuations cause the outside air pressure to rise and fall relative to that of the air inside room causing the room or space to intake unfiltered air, resulting in the migration of toxins into the room thus compromising the (TFA).Tests with where we made Israeli standard safe room shown that it is extremely dangerous to stay in shelled after 2 hours staying due to the fact that the people or only breathing carbon dioxide with effects the who man nerves .


 Can't I use a high quality room filter or air freshener to keep safe from toxins?

This depends on how much of the toxins you are willing to breath. You and it breath the same air, admittedly it process air faster than you do, but room air filters only process the air that is already inside the room.


 What if there is an electrical power failure?

The blower unit is completely self-contained and have all of the necessary electrical controls onboard. The blower unit is available three operating voltages; 110-volt American, 230-volt European and 12-volt automotive. In the event of a power failure it is the MAGEN unit drives instantly by the Alternative 12V Battery Backup.

Can't I use a computer UPS (uninterruptible power supply), as a battery back up in case of a power failure?

No, these units offer insufficient output wattage to operate our blower unit.


Can't I configure a high quality room air freshener or filter to be an overpressure system by simply hooking up to an outside duct or vent?

No, there are problems with this scenario; I'm not trying to knock the room air filter industry in any way; in fact most of these units work quite well for what they were intended, to re-circulate and freshen air that is already in a room, this is not a true overpressure (NBC) filtration unit.

To simply connect a room air freshener to an outside air vent hoping for an over pressure is not recommended. The reason is that the added airflow resistance created by the additional ducting would most likely result in overtaxing the fan or blower resulting in a useless system. Also room air filters do not meet the proper government requirements for protection against (NBC) nuclear, biological and chemical releases. These requirements cover the type of filter media that to be used in the filtration unit, the construction and testing of the filter cells as well as the overpressure requirements.
We make the construction specifications for our systems available for your inspection and comparison on our government specifications


Would your system offer protection for HIV and AIDS patients?

Absolutely, Positive Pressure Isolation Rooms maintain a flow of air out of the room, thus protecting the patient from possible contaminants and pathogens, which might otherwise enter. The most common application today is HIV Rooms and rooms for patients with other types of immunodeficiency. For such patients it is critically important to prevent the ingress of any pathogens, including even common fungi and bacteria, which may be harmless t
o healthy people.


Is the HEPA filter used in your systems effective in capturing radioactive particulates?

Yes, our systems use government certified nuclear grade HEPA media designed specifically for the purpose of capturing radionuclides. This media in accordance with MIL-F-51079 test reference number PATD-7697. The certification comes from the US Army Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center (ERDEC).


Can the HEPA filter in your systems be a viable means of capturing anthrax spores?

Yes, since the anthrax spore is relatively large in size (1-5 microns), the HEPA filter provides high efficiency in removing the spores from the air-stream. In addition are HEPA cells are tested at 99.997% efficiency on 0.3-micron particles using dioctylphthalate (DOP). Uniform size 0.3 micron smoke particles are generated with a Q-107 penetrometer. This test is conducted in accordance with US Army instruction Manual 136-300-175A.


What is anthrax?

Bacillus anthracis, commonly referred to as anthrax, is a bacterium that is spread by spores of the bacteria. The spore is typically in the 1 to 5 micron size range. The most common form of Anthrax is cutaneous, which is caused by the spore coming in contact with an open wound. Another far more potent form of the disease is inhalation anthrax, which is caused by breathing the spores.


Why doesn't your system use ultraviolet lights?

The use of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) has been around for a long time. Microbes are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of light at wavelengths at or near 2537 Angstroms. The ultraviolet component of sunlight is the main reason microbes die in the outdoor air. The die-off rate in the outdoors varies from one pathogen to another, but can be anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes for a 90-99% killing of viruses or contagious bacteria. Spores, and some environmental bacteria, tend to be resistant and can survive much longer exposures. The rate of linear air processing in our system is 30 in/sec. allowing insufficient dwell time for the (UVGI) to be affective, as it would be with any system of this type. And since our system is not a re-circulating system like a room air freshener the likelihood of pathogens accumulating on the filter surface where the (UVGI) could reach them and do any good is almost nonexistent.

What are some of the gases and vapors that are adsorbed by your filtration units?

Volatility of Chemical Agents and Water: Approximate amount of agent (mg) that 1/m3 of air can hold at 25deg/C.
Gases with toxicity values in red use the ASZM-TEDA carbon




Phosgene (CG)



Hydrogen cyanide






Sarin (GB)



Soman (GD)



Sulfer mustard (H)



Tabun (GA)







 What are some of the most probable gases that might be used in a terrorist attack?

- Sarin is a nerve agent. This means that, once inside your body, it affects the signaling mechanism that nerve cells use to communicate with one another.
Sarin is a ch
olinesterase inhibitor -- it gums up the cholinesterase enzyme, which your nerve cells use to clear themselves of acetylcholine. When a nerve cell needs to send a message to another nerve cell (for example, to cause a muscle to contract), it sends the message with the acetylcholine. Without cholinesterase to clear the acetylcholine, muscles start to contract uncontrollably, which eventually causes death by suffocation (since the diaphragm is a muscle).
Sarin is pr
obably the most feared chemical agent because it has actually been used by terrorists to kill people. In 1995, the group Aum Shinrikyo released sarin gas in the Tokyo subway, wounding thousands and killing 12 people. It is not particularly difficult to manufacture, and about 1 milligram in the lungs will kill a person.

VX - VX is very similar to Sarin. It works in the same way, but is more toxic. One milligram on the skin will kill a person. See this page for more information.
Mustard Gas - Mustard gas has been around since World War I. It blisters the skin and destroys lung tissue. About 10 milligrams in the lungs will kill a pers

Lewisite - Lewisite, like mustard gas, is a blistering agent, and has also been around since World War I.
One of the problems with these chemical agents is that there is n
o easy way to protect yourself. On the battlefield, soldiers wear gas masks and complete skin covering when chemical or biological attack is deemed possible. If a city were to experience a large-scale VX attack, people would have to be wearing a waterproof and airtight suit and a gas mask at the time of the attack in order to be protected.


How often will the filter cells need replacing?

This is a good question with no simple answer, the filters work by particulate entrapment and chemical adsorption, to simply state that they should be replaced after some given time frame would be grossly inaccurate. However under normal conditions and use a good rule of thumb would be to clean the gross screen and change the pre-filter yearly, and the HEPA and carbon cells every 5 years. The above change time rule is based on average life cycles of these types of filters and may differ in any particular environment. The following three conditions will always take precedence over the rule of thumb. If the blower output air is diminished the gross screen needs cleaning or the pre-filter needs changing. If you can smell outside odors inside the room, the gas phase adsorber is reaching "break-through" and needs changing. If a nuclear-bio-chemical event has taken place, the filters or the whole filtration unit should be replaced as soon as possible, and is considered hazardous waste.

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