CPO Chemical Protective Outergarment
and Biological Protection for the Tactical User
Rampart Protective Overgarment is a two piece system
(coat and trousers) designed to be worn as a duty uniform.
was originally designed for the Department of Energy SWAT
teams, and is more form-fitting than the DOD JSLIST garment.
The coat has an integral hood that interfaces with the FM12,
and MCU-2P respirators, and is shorter than other
designs, so as not to interfere with the user's utility belt.
trouser has a high bib-type waist, extra wide suspenders, and
zipper closures at the leg bottoms. The coat and trousers are
packaged separately.
The standard color is solid navy, however camouflage and
other colors are available as special order.
They are available in ten, user-friendly
sizes ranging from small/short up to extra large/long.
The materials used in the Rampart Overgarment are virtually
the same as those used in the JSLIST garments. The outer
shell is 50% cotton/50% nylon ripstop poplin with a Quarpel
oil and water resistant finish. The liner is composed of our
Lifetex® CD2560.
The system has gone through user evaluations and meets
performance requirements similar to those in the JSLIST program.
It provides the wearer protection against all known chemical
and biological agents in a system which is lightweight, launderable
and imposes the lowest possible level of heat stress for a
system of its type.
